Monday, January 4, 2010

Valentines Day Wreath

Last year at Easter time I was introduced to the "This is My Life" blog by way of the Easter egg wreath project so after I made my own Easter wreath I checked out the other holiday crafts in the blog and came across this post on a rag-a-muffin Valentines Day wreath. Since May was fast approaching I bought a round wreath frame and made a patriotic one instead (that I have since gotten a lot of use out of Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July, etc...) and now it's that time of year to decorate for Valentines Day so last night I made one based on the original post. I LOVE it! It turned out so adorable!
All of the materials I used-heart wreath frame, spools of blush, raspberry & white ribbon and sheer white polka dot material, blush batik material and raspberry with blush polka dots material
The material & ribbon all tore up into strips (about 1' to 1 1/2" by 5" to 7") I vary the lengths/widths
The wreath all complete
and hanging on our front door!


Melissa said...

That is so cute! I think I'm going to have to make a bunch of these types of wreaths...if only to satisfy my desire to buy lots of cute patterned fabric. It's not like I ever sew these days!!!

ShellyDee said...

I like working with fabric but I don't sew...LOL...I have a patriotic one of these made as well as a Halloweeen one that I LOVE!!! Next will be to make a St. Pat's one : )

mjriley said...

I can't find the heart shape wreath at JoAnns so if and when I go to Watertown I'll have to stock upon on some.
Again "AWSOME" job!

Cindi said...

It's adorable! You did a great job! I'm so glad I was able to inspire you. Keep crafting!