Monday, August 31, 2009

And so the separation begins...

And so the separation begins...

On Wednesday September 9th the boys will be starting am (and by am I really mean AM 7:45am to be exact!) preschool three days a week (M, W, F) at Greenbrier Primary School. Connor and Braden are very excited to join all the rest of their "Little Panthers" with the most "Pride" and start "Growing With Panther Pride!"
Their school mascot is the panther and their school colors are...wait for and green! I'm serious-I could not make this stuff up!

And so the separation begins...

The separation of the boys from Daddy and Mommy (sniff, sniff)...

but also...

...the separation of Connor from Braden and Braden from Connor...

We got their teacher assignments in the mail and Connor will be in Mrs. E's class and Braden will be in Mrs. B's class (I know, it's funny B-Braden...he is also in room B)!
Most people know what a great debate that this has been for Mike and I. The school's policy is to separate the twins but we have the option to lobby for them to be placed together.
Mike has stood firmly on the keeping them together side of this debate where I can see the benefits and draw backs in either case.
I see the benefits of NOT separating them. Being away from Daddy and Mommy and starting school is a great enough shock and then to take their other half away from them on top of that will be quite an adjustment for any set of multiples.
I also understand that singleton's go through a very similar set of shocks when they too begin school and that having any sibling in a classroom can be a distraction.
They say that twins can become codependent or one twin becomes dominate and the other a follower. These were never concerns of ours with Connor and Braden.
They are both very actively involved in their playgroups and they socialize exceptionally well together and separately-no differently to me than our friends that have two children close in age in our groups.
They are not dominate/non dominate pairs or competitive with each other to me they compliment one another very well. Braden is our little social butterfly who loves to run around with lots of pals while Connor prefers to to find one bud to hang out with.
After much debate we decided to keep the boys separate as the school recommends because we feel that while they are twins and therefore a special little duo that they are both very sound and strong individuals on their own.
We look forward to seeing how they "grow" from here!

Constant Companions

My newest constant companions...
Mike got sick on Friday....
I got sick on Saturday...
Connor got sick on Sunday...
and lastly Braden got sick on Monday!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Recent playdates...

Muffin Tin Monday...our theme was the colors of the rainbow!
Each child brought a snack representing one of the colors of the rainbow and then we made rainbow cupcakes!

Pinwheels and play time at the Princess Anne Park!

Foamerator Fun-thanks to Family Fun Magazine for this cute idea-the kids had a great time making long foamy bubbles!

Pine cone bird feeders in the park!


Braden after taking a stick REALLY close to his eye while "sword fighting' with his brother and some buds-his brother is the one who hit him!

Connor after Braden throw a hard plastic fire hat at him-maybe it was retaliation?

Happy Seventh Wedding Anniversary

Nine and a half years ago I started dating the boy that I liked...
Seven years ago I married the man that I love...
Today, stronger than ever...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A visit from Ryan...

We just had a wonderful visit from Mike's "brother" Ryan who traveled down from Northern NY to test with the department down here, while he was in town the twins sure kept Uncle Ryan busy dragging him from place to place!
Everyone is anxiously anticipating his permanent move down to Virginia!

Braden, Uncle Ryan, Daddy & Connor
Checking out the fierce waves that Hurricane Bill cooked up in Virginia Beach...
Walking around on the boardwalk...
Fishing at Northwest River Park
Getting ready to go for a paddle boat ride...
Boating at NWRP
Uncle Ryan, Braden & Connor at the Virginia Zoo

Checking out the 'raffs!
Playing some games at Chuck E. Cheese
Connor & Uncle Ryan
Braden & Uncle Ryan
Uncle Ryan following Connor around Fun Forest
Uncle Ryan & Braden