Sunday, January 18, 2009

Valentine's Day Mania in January

So I guess now is the time to mention that Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays! We've been busy making some adorable little decorations for around the house-what can I say my boys love to "craft"!
I am also excited about the Valentine's Party that is being planned for their play group. Braden selected "Bee Mine" Valentines-that Mommy has been going crazy making-see photo below! The "bee's" have become my biggest headache and worst nightmare!!!! Not that I was ever a big bee fan to begin with!
Connor picked out "To A Wheely Good Friend" a card featuring a race car-I had to order his chocolate cars so Connor's cards aren't finished yet but we did have fun running a match box car threw black paint and over the cards to make track marks!
I've added some picks of our Valentine's Day projects-I'll put up some shot's of Connor's cards once we attach his cars.
Connor's mobile...
Braden's mobile...
Braden's "wall art"

Connor's "wall art"

The plaques-can you tell who made which?

The magnet's they made for the fridge...

Braden's "Bee Mine" Valentines...

1 comment:

The Ross' said...

OMG How stinkin' cute! I love the handmade stuff! You guys are pretty crafty! Those biys are super cuties!!