Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Braden's Boo Boo = Connor's First Crush

So Friday night (late I might add, while Mike was on duty I'll add, too!) Braden banged up his hand real good.
They were rough housing with the fire truck ball pit Unkie Mark (this makes it his fault) bought them and they had 175 of the 200 balls all over the living room floor-I told them to start picking the balls up it was almost time for bed, Braden managed to get twisted around and fall back on his hand-I'm still not sure how he did it I just heard the dreaded POP...then the wailing started!
His thumb completely swells and is turning purple and he will not use his hand. I don't "think" it's broken but I don't "know". I also don't know if he has done damage to his tendons, ligaments, etc...my initials my be MD but doctor I am not.
I call hubby who is driving around an axillary officer trying to get him signed off and they stop in. We all debate for a bit. It looks bad but how bad? Worth a trip to dreaded Chesapeake General where you get treated on gurneys in hallways do to the overflow from serious injuries like GSW (gun shot wounds) and stab wounds? It's estimated it could take till 4am-then how will the poor kid be feeling?
Luckily one of Daddy's former co workers and good friends Faith is now with the Fire Dept as a Fire/Medic so Daddy heads over to find her.
Faith was amazing with Braden she got him to let her examine him a lot more than he'd allowed either Mike or I and he got such thorough treatment from her I doubt the doctors in the ER would have paid even half as much attention (in their defense he's a toddler with a sore hand on a busy Friday night-not exactly high trauma).
Faith felt he'd most likely popped his thumb back out of and back into socket-jamming it pretty good. She felt we could get away with skipping the ER for the night and monitor it through the night and reevaluate in the morning. (She was right the swelling went right down as did the color and now four days later you would never know he hurt himself!)
Braden's pain was a blessing in disguise for Connor. Connor tripped hard and fast head over heels in love with "firefighter girl" as he calls her (she definitely has a stalker in him). The fact that Faith use to be a "policeman" like Daddy earned her even more points in his eyes!
Poor Connor-Daddy teased him good-it is not everyday that Connor warms up to people fast he is definitely the reserved twin, but he was all over "firefighter girl", hugging her, laying his head on her shoulder, giving kisses...I was jealous, too! Mommy doesn't get that kind of loving anymore!! Whenever Faith spoke Connor would just stare into her eyes and no matter what she'd ask he'd smile and say "yes" (even to what's your name? "yes") it was cute!
The next day all he could talk about was his visit from "firefighter girl"!


Anonymous said...

Im glad it wasnt broken. =( what a rough night for him!!!

Anonymous said...

my I was freaking out for you...I would have been on the floor!! ANything swollen or bruised you might as well for get it...Out I Go!!! I'm SO glad he is ok and you were able to save a trip to the ER. Crazy in those places and the sickness you pick up! BLAH! LOL Have a great weekend!