Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Connor & Braden Phrase-ology

"Love you lots..." " tater tots!" How they say good night!

"Lasterday" Yesterday

"You're my best Mommy in the whole wide world!" Suck ups! Where are their other Mommies, I wonder? Especially on their twin terror days!

"Papa sleeps really really fast" On their Papa's window shaking snoring!

"It's Die-licious" When something is really, really good! Connor & his Gramma make "die-licious" apple pies!

"Shimmin' Armour" Braden is going to be a knight in shinning armour

"Wormy cheese" Shredded cheese and this is apparently the only good cheese-give them cubes or string cheese and they aren't interested, open up a bad of mozzarella to top a pizza and they are begging for "wormy cheese"

"Chicka bow wow" Alvin & The Chipmunks...all because Alvin says "bow bow bow chicka bow bow"

"Slow down feet!" What Braden tells his feet when he gets caught running

"I will be so mad to you" What I'm told when I threaten to chop my hair off short!

"I SAID PLEASE NO THANK YOU" Connor "politely" turning down medicine.

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