Friday, January 14, 2011

52 photos in 52 weeks: week three...

I kept with the main theme (self imposed) of making this project about me with the kids and the hubster just making brief appearances. This is pretty self explanatory. In the evenings (especially lately with that lovely upper respiratory virus working it's way through our house and right to Mommy) I like to cuddle up with my Snuggie (pink of course) and my new nook!


stephanie said...

thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving a message. i'm looking forward to seeing your pictures throughout the year.
i like your take on this weeks prompt- i have a kindle and spend many evenings with it as well.


Unknown said...

A pink snuggie! My hubby laughs because I have a green blanket I snuggle in every night & he swears he should have bought me a snuggie! Sorry, I like my blankie just fine.
Thanks for dropping by my blog & commenting too. I've been to Arlington, but the cemetery I live near is in Battle Creek, MI. It's a small replica of Arlington & I am truly humbled every time I go there.