Friday, August 20, 2010

The shell...

I've been following Monika Wright's i love it all blog and she had a really neat summer in the life mini book idea. I loved [ Ali Edwards ] December Daily and week in the life projects so I was excited to embark on a summer one.
Here is the bare bones-the cover (6 x 8) and the base pages (randomly sized) put together for me to start filling it with the fun play dates we've had this summer, the movies we've seen, the places we've gone, the friends and family that have visited, the songs that have kept us singing...the list goes on and on. I know I'll love looking back on this snapshot of a summer in our lives! I'll post pages as they develop
Summer 2010

1 comment:

Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

I love the look and feel of the cover, great design. I look forward to seeing what's going sure to share with me!

And I don't know what's up with my blog button, I'll work on it. Thanks for letting me know